Use your will power to help stop the tragedy of heart disease.

Actors have been used in this story to protect anonymity.
A legacy given to Heart Research UK is a wonderful gift for future generations

By leaving a gift to Heart Research UK in your will, you can have more control over your money and save quite a hefty tax bill. If your estate is worth more than £325,000, the executors of your will may have to pay inheritance tax at a rate of 40%. But if you leave 10% or more of your estate to charity, the remainder of your estate will be taxed at a reduced rate of 36%.

When Heart Research UK was founded over 50 years ago, more than 70% of heart attacks were fatal, but today at least 70% of people survive. Despite this great achievement we still have a long way to go to prevent, treat and cure heart disease - it is one of the UK’s single biggest killers.

By leaving a gift in your will, many more people will enjoy healthier, happier, longer lives with their family and friends. It’s about more than just money - it’s about giving life, hope and better health to future generations.

Your legacy has the power to change the future. Leave a gift in your will to help us see a future free from heart diseases.


Join our campaign
Every five minutes someone dies from heart disease in the UK, and it’s likely it will impact your life one day. We need to tackle this problem head on, and we need to start today. Our work focuses on funding research to find new treatments, delivering ground-breaking training and education, and to help communities improve their heart health. We won’t stop until there are no more deaths from heart disease.

Kate Bratt-Farrar,
CEO, Heart Research UK


Kath’s story
'Pete and I faced an unbearable tragedy when we lost our beautiful son Ben in 2001. He was only 21 when he died suddenly in his sleep from an undiagnosed heart condition. There were no warning signs and no time to say goodbye. It felt like all the happiness drained from our lives that day, and that we would never feel any joy again.

'That’s when a friend introduced me to Heart Research UK, and we began regularly raising money to support medical research that could save lives, much like Ben’s. Devastatingly, in July of 2023, Pete passed away after 40 years of marriage. It was at this difficult time that I made the choice to leave a piece of our story as a gift in my will for Heart Research UK.

'I miss Pete and Ben so much, but I know they would be proud of me, as their legacy will live on through the lives saved by the gift in my will.'

For more information visit or call 0113 234 7474

Registered charity number 1044821