Enliven the body and mind and welcome in 2019 by getting the man (or men) in your life out for some adventure and fun. For the young at heart challenge him to the Crystal Maze Live with dinner for two and cocktails. For the gentleman who likes his whisky, he'll enjoy a luxury chauffeur-driven Scottish Tour where he can appreciate a few of the finer things in style, all while reclining in the gorgeous and pleasingly priced velvet jacket from Next. Furthering the theme of country gent, what discerning chap wouldn't be thrilled to receive shooting lessons at an award-winning ground, where he can show-off the delightful pewter spaniel cufflinks while raising aim, and after which you can (naturally) congratulate him while sharing a snifter from his stunning Aspinal leather hunter hip flask. Sounds to us like a jolly good start to the year ahead!
2018 Christmas Gift Guide: For Him