A Day in the Life – The Carer, Companion

Anne tells us about a typical day…
Anne has been a Carer, Companion for over fifteen years and has lived for the last year in Oxfordshire with her employer as her full-time Carer, Companion. Anne’s role is caring for a lady in her 80s who is quite independent but requires a little help getting around and some support in her day-to-day self-care. Duties include some physical support with getting in and out of bed, some personal and medical care and running errands like shopping, cooking and light housework. Other duties are paying utility bills, liaising with client’s extended family and feeding pets as well as some companionship and travel on occasional social outings.
I set my alarm for 6.50am so I’m up in time to take Mrs D her morning cup of earl grey tea, I make myself one at the same time. I include on the tray the morning newspaper as well as her morning medication. Mrs D likes to be woken at seven sharp each morning, unless guests have been visiting for supper the previous evening. I open the curtains after placing a tray down on her bedside table and say a cheery ‘good morning!’ After a shower and dressing I go back in to help Mrs D get washed and dressed – I help her in and out of the shower and she has a special seat so she doesn’t slip over. I help her pick out a new outfit each day – Mrs D is a well-dressed woman who has always taken pride in her appearance.
Dolly, Mrs D’s beloved eleven-year old dachshund comes in to give her morning greetings as we plan the day ahead. I remind Mrs D of her monthly bridge game tonight and ask her if she would like some of the quiche I got from the local farmers market. Mrs D usually has breakfast in the main kitchen at 8am, poached eggs on toast. After her breakfast, Mrs D likes to take a stroll around the garden, if she is feeling tired we use the wheelchair. For the most part Mrs D likes to walk with her stick if she can and Dolly toddles along with us. Sometimes we feed the ducks a few bits of the left-over toast from the morning.
I clean up from breakfast and check emails and post, letting Mrs D know of anything outstanding, I take care of some of her utilities, making sure things are paid on time. Mrs D is very capable mentally, but can be a little forgetful at times, so we play a lot of card games and do crosswords to keep her brain active and engaged. Mrs D likes to be kept in the loop about things, the running of the house and communications with friends and family. Sometimes there might be a medical appointment to drive to. Usually at 11 or so, Mrs D settles to read her book or rest for an hour and I run any quick errands before lunch and put on a load of laundry. For lunch I make a soup and have bought a quiche from the market. Mrs D likes to have lunch in the conservatory if the weather is nice.
Afternoon / early evening
I get two hours off each day, which I normally take from around three pm. My accommodation is within the house itself, as sometimes I need to be on-hand if Mrs D needs help in the night. I like to take a short stroll with Dolly or just read in my room, unless I have an arrangement for my break. At six I prepare supper. We usually watch something on the television (with supper on our laps) and at nine or ten I help her into her nightie and bed. I help her into the bath when she wishes and she also has an assisted bath lift. I have formed a strong friendship with Mrs D and feel I am a valued member of the family community.
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