Design of the great ships had evolved from rudimentary wooden paddle steamers to luxurious floating hotels, attracting passengers from royals to politicians to colonial rulers and pilgrims.

Life on board was a heady mix of fortitude and frivolity. ‘Having a drink or two’ was a pleasure for passengers from every era. On the early vessels, activities were limited by the lack of space but passengers joined informal groups to play cards or have a sing-song. Noël Coward captured the rhythm and humour of sea life on a voyage in 1930: ‘No one on board can quite relax, Poor Mr Frith gets drunk, And Mrs Frobisher, bathed in tears, Sits, surrounded by souvenirs…’
P&O: Across The Oceans, Across The Years, by Ruth Artmonsky and Susie Cox, is published by Antique Collectors’ Club, priced £35.