Home Help: 5 July
A Wet rooms are indeed beset with caveats. It really comes down to where the room is. Does it have adequate ventilation and is it properly sealed? It isn’t sensible to install a wet room in a windowless area. Fans make a brave effort but fresh air is the best way to ensure the room doesn’t get overrun with mould. Even with a window, you should install a fan that is capable of 20 air changes per hour. Wet rooms on the ground floor are less likely to cause problems. Even the tiniest cracks in upstairs rooms can lead to joists rotting. Downstairs, however, floors are likely to be concrete and far more durable.
If you have to install upstairs, then place a thick layer of plywood over the floorboards, then a waterproof membrane and finally, a fibreglass tray. Tile or slate flooring might be a bit slippery for your parents, so Altro non-slip flooring could be a better bet and is suitable for placing above underfloor heating, too. If you have a goodsized bathroom I suggest separating the toilet into a different cubicle, so that you don’t get wet feet every time you use it. In terms of costs, for a room approximately 10ft square, expect to pay £5,500, including labour.
Altro flooring: 01462- 489516, www.altro.co.uk
Q My daughter is getting married and we would like to give her some engraved glass. Please can you tell me where to find some? LL, via email
A Scotsman Giles Lawson Johnston has engraving in his blood. His father Andrew held a Royal Warrant for engraving in glass, and Giles will personalise any piece of glassware.
07711-981138, www.gileslawsonjohnston.com
Send your queries to the usual Bedford Street address or email Hugh St Clair at hughstclair@googlemail.com