Horoscopes: 10th to 16th November

24 October 24 to 22 November

Metamorphosis is the process that turns caterpillars into butterflies – and a Venus-Jupiter merger is the perfect planetary setup for a long-term transformation in your personal presentation. New wardrobe and hair and makeup styles are part of this – events are urging renewed focus on creating an image to impress those with power to make a difference to your life. 

23 November to 21 December

There is a wonderful chance to repair a relationship that’s been under immense pressure in recent months. The means to this end may involve some very honest and probing exchange of views, but the overall aim is to re-base the bond on a proper understanding, not false sentiment. It’s been an intense year: the final weeks can deliver rewards. 

22 December to 20 January

As your ruler Saturn aligns favourably with revolutionary Uranus, it is your home, family and personal security which benefit. Recent domestic developments may have left you somewhat disoriented or anxious, but your chart encourages you to welcome all that’s capable of moving things on in your private world. Life cannot stand still. Core values and beliefs will not be compromised. 

21 January to 19 February

The skies love you this week! Career, communications and business/social networks are all under dynamic and stimulating stars. For a change, your original or individual way of self-expression works to your benefit, especially in a business or any type of organisation. And a fabulous social event in your professional world can be turned into a personal showcase of skills. 

20 February to 20 March

If you’re not understood at work this week, the challenge is to clarify, patiently. If you’re presented with a puzzling situation, then try to avoid confrontation and wait for a better time to seek lucidity. Going for a walk may help. Much happier is any plan to travel or to do anything not done before: imagination is hungry for romance and sensation.

21 March to 20 April

The cosmic energies favour passion, greater understanding, enrichment (yes, more money) and progress through innovation or acting more independently. This is all potential – timid and fearful Arians won’t capitalise on these influences. Stay bold and brave and be yourself. The underlying theme is transformation: because you are growing inwardly, life is expanding to accommodate you. Happy news approaches.

21 April to 21 May

Recent weeks have required you to analyse more carefully the motives of a partner, friend or other who acts as your ‘agent’ or representative. Feeling a touch paranoid? No need to. There’s a breakthrough in a significant bond of any type which can result in shared growth – or the end of a trying situation. Whatever the outcome, you end up freer.

22 May to 21 June

A risk of a professional muddle is avoidable if care is taken. But don’t let that spoil an otherwise upbeat phase when much progress is indicated in work and in your dealings with groups and key people. If you’re engaged in a creative project or are a dedicated carer, this is an additional plus, as imaginative and compassionate energies offer unsought rewards.

22 June to 23 July

Unruly Uranus has dominated your career for a long time now, which explains the oddities and unexpected happenings in work life. Hard-toiling Saturn ensures that your steadfastness and commitment are finally recognised, as you’re about to discover. Linked to this or separately, a talent (such as to write or paint) is set to bring you greater satisfaction.

24 July to 23 August

Surprises are neutral in themselves, pleasant or otherwise. So are you ready
for an unexpected, joyful development? The clue lies in a personal passion (which can include one’s own children) and in your dedication to it. Artistic or hobbyist activities may also be implicated. The happy heralds come from overseas or a publisher. The mood is most celebratory.

24 August to 23 September

All kinds of self-expression – from writing to deal-making – fall under the fertile conjunction of Venus and Jupiter, particularly those which further compassion, an artistic vision, education, or all matters relating to liquids (eg, the sea). Social life is a fertile ground to trigger personal opportunity, and people will respond well to your enhanced aura of grace and discernment.

24 September to 23 October

Financial affairs remain the top theme, and with ruler Venus re-energised by Jupiter, this is a remarkably positive time for a business uplift, shrewd purchasing (an investment, for instance) or overall profit from daily work, such as a pay rise. However, in some cases, extravagance may undo cosmic benevolence, so at all times keep your feet on the ground.