Horoscopes: 16th-22nd February

20 February to 20 March

Without dreams in life, where’s the magic? A hope feels renewed as Sun passes into Pisces – it’s like early spring. A new or established relationship, business venture or other project stirs the imagination. Relish this inspiring moment – it could be for real, but remind yourself (if you can) that a few realities need to be addressed for perspective. Shortly. 

21 March to 20 April

No one can doubt your verve as you push ahead with a life expansion plan. King Canute himself could not turn you back. The great news is that any kind of authority is supportive. But a hidden factor in your calculations, perhaps an overlooked responsibility, needs to be considered and may slow progress. The solution should be easy to see. 

21 April to 21 May

Heartstrings are plucked by a humanitarian or charitable cause, and there’s no doubting your readiness to offer as much help as you can. This in itself
is admirable. However, you were not born yesterday. Something from past experience puts you on alert as to someone’s motives or integrity, and you are urged to examine the facts to allay suspicions. 

22 May to 21 June

A career or social opportunity lies before you – is all as it appears? In one sense, yes. The financial or other business details are sound. More problematic are key people. Are they all on the same page about your direction or purpose? Take a closer look at what they think you’re about: ground rules may need to be established. 

22 June to 23 July

An overseas destination or prospect of a study project currently feeds your dreams – how you yearn to break away from ‘real life’ and start over! Behind this is the desire for growth after a longish period of perceived stagnation. Achieving an objective is certainly within reach, provided you acknowledge energy limits or respect ties of the day-to-day. 

24 July to 23 August

Who can stop a loved-up Leo in her/his tracks – or one determined to get their hands on something? Who or what is now the ‘prey’? Actually, you should indulge your passion – be this creative, romantic or hobbyist. But if this involves the acquiescence of another soul, perhaps consider their feelings (even finances) too? Just a little bit? 

24 August to 23 September

Cooperation is the key word in your chart at this time – teamwork or yielding to the fact that expert representation is required to get something done. This includes lawyers, estate agents, plumbers – and a load of others who can do what you can’t. Most blessed are projects that fulfil personal wishes. Saturn assures you a most scrupulous and assured service. 

24 September to 23 October

A partner of any kind (this includes a close friend, work colleague, or even a pet) needs your special care, even if you’re not entirely certain what the problem may be. Just go with it and be your solicitous self; the facts will emerge in time. Speaking your mind is not the way – holding your tongue will work wonders. For now. 

24 October 24 to 22 November

Creative energy is on a high, embracing anything from artistry or activities with one’s children, to romantic attachments or pastimes. Whatever expresses heart’s  desire has priority. So absorbing will all this prove that you will be tempted to go AWOL from work or neglect to do something linked to earnings. Are you strong enough to resist temptation? Possibly. 


23 November to 21 December

With Mars – planet of push – in your sign, there’s an invigorating sense that anything is possible with the application of willpower. Anyone standing in your way will not be shoved gently aside but booted. If, however, you’re confronted by a puzzling situation at home, it might be a good idea to wait until the fog lifts. A little patience. 

22 December to 20 January

Getting across the message that you mean business is what your sign is largely about. And this week’s skies bring you an opportunity to do just that. A given audience is likely to be swayed by your demonstration of informed, clear-headed practicality. Be advised to avoid speculation or overt appeal to emotion. Allow the facts to speak for themselves. 

21 January to 19 February

A financial proposition looks enticing, but naturally wheat and chaff must be separated. A search into the past of someone or something will help you better understand what you’re getting into, while bold promises should be treated with great caution. If you remind yourself that a tangible advantage must be obtained, then there’s a much-reduced risk of loss.