Lord Newborough's Ultimate Roast Turkey Recipe

Right in time for Christmas, Lord Newborough of the Rhug Estate, Wales has shared his ultimate organic roast turkey recipe - ideal for festive feasting.  


Roast, Stuffed Turkey

1. Allow +1 lb/450g of turkey (including bone) per person.

2. When cooking the turkey, allow 15 minutes to the pound plus fifteen minutes over. For example, if the bird weighs 6 lbs: 6 X15 = 90 + 15 (for the fifteen minutes over) so total cooking time would be 105 minutes. Given a 10 lb turkey: 10X 15 = 150 + 15 = 165 the total cooking time would be 2.75 hours.

3. Stuff the turkey with stuffing of your choice.

4. Traditionally, a bread stuffing is put in the body and a second stuffing e.g. sausage and chestnut or giblet and/or prune is stuffed into the sac at the opposite end.

5. Rub the bird with oil or butter and season well with salt and pepper.

5. Cover the breast with tin foil to keep it from drying out. Some people like to use muslin soaked in butter to do the same job.

6. Place in a large tin in the oven 185ºC/360ºF for required time. Test to see if it is cooked before serving.

8. If the juices from the thigh run clear when the thigh is pierced, then the bird is cooked.

For the gravy

1. Remove the turkey from the pan in which it has been cooked.

2. Add a mixture of flour and water to the baking dish.

3. Deglaze the pan by scraping the drippings into the flour and water mixture so that all the flavour goes into this. Stock made from the giblets may be used if preferred.

4. On the top of the cooker, cook the mixture in the pan, stirring all the time until it is thickened and rich. If the gravy appears too thick, add a little boiling water to it to achieve the desired consistency.

5. Season well with salt and pepper.

6. Pour into a gravy boat and serve hot.

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