Tips For Improving Your Sleep
To make sure you get enough rest and wake up feeling fully refreshed and ready for the day ahead, take a look at Barleycup's top tips for #bettersleep:
1. Bed time is for unwinding so avoid looking at screens in bed – that includes mobile phones, laptops and tablets
2. Cut down on food and drink containing caffeine, especially in the evenings. Try caffeine-free drinks like Barleycup instead
3. Sleep better by exercising regularly – simple and effective!
4. Yoga is proven to help us relax. Start with 10 minutes of yoga each evening before bedtime
5. It's common for our brains to be buzzing with thoughts at bedtime. Switch off by writing a to do list for the next day
6. Use your imagination to visualise a peaceful and restful place – this can help us to drift off quicker
7. Turn your clock away when trying to sleep. Seeing the time when you're trying to drift off can make you more stressed
8. Fresh air promotes sleep so crack open the window before bed time – the circulation of good quality air is great for better sleep
9. Cut out noise. Whether it's a ticking clock or a dripping tap, the smallest noises can interfere with our sleep
10. Avoid heavy meals late in the evening and eat sleep enhancing food such as tuna, cereal and cherries