Archie will be the most popular boys name by 2025

New research from Ancestry – the global leader in family history and consumer genomics – reveals that Archie is likely to be one of the most popular names by the time the new prince starts pre-school in 2022, following the naming announcement of the new royal baby.

By comparing historic census records on, along with more recent data from the Office of National Statistics, Ancestry experts have revealed the extent of the royal family’s influence on the nation’s choice of baby names.

The name George jumped seven places in four years following the birth of the young prince in 2013, whilst Charlotte jumped a staggering thirteen places in just two years following the birth of the princess in 2015 – suggesting an approximate increase of three places per year.

Analysing birth registers, Ancestry also uncovered the longer-term impact that princes William and Harry had on their namesakes in the UK. Comparing the years 1981 and 1991, the popularity of William as a name rose 88%, and comparing 1983 to 1993 the number of Harry’s born skyrocketed by 592%.

Looking back further, historic censuses, included in Ancestry’s unmatched collection of over 20 billion digitised records, reveal that this isn’t a new trend. Ancestry historians analysed census records from before and after the birth of each of Queen Victoria’s children**, revealing that each birth triggered an average 100% increase in babies being named after the young royals. 

Princesses Helena and Beatrice triggered the biggest growth amongst Queen Victoria’s children with the name Helena jumping by a staggering 165% between 1841 and 1851, thanks to the royal baby’s birth in 1846. Similarly, the name Beatrice increased by 136% in the decades surrounding her birth.

With Archie currently sitting at 18th most popular baby name, Ancestry suggests that by the time the new royal prince starts pre-school in 2022, the name could have reached the top ten, and by 2025, Archie is likely to have hit the top spot – thanks to his new found influence.

Ancestry spokesperson Russell James commented: “It’s amazing to see how much these historic records shine a light on the royal family’s enduring influence on the nation. In addition, these findings show how much the royals borrow from their own family history when choosing names for their children, a tradition we’ve seen inspire millions of people globally to explore their own family histories.”