From left to right: Findlay, Milo, Sampson and George.
Willows provides a safe home to over 65 cats that sadly have largely just been forgotten. Larger national charities won’t help these cats because they are feral, have behaviour problems or aren’t house trained.We are the only cat sanctuary in Scotland to offer this safe haven for these unwanted and unhomeable cats and many of our residents have suffered badly before coming to live at Willows. The cats in our care are free to roam the 54 acre sanctuary and return to their dedicated cat hotel whenever they please! Their cat hotel is full of comfortable beds, food and water. Each cat is neutered, vaccinated and receives all needed medical treatment and is regularly checked on by our staff and vets.
We strive to give them the highest level of care we can and we urgently need more donations and sponsors to help us to continue to provide them with this very special home.
Please make a huge difference today by visiting www.willowsanimals.com and finding our more about how you can help.

From left to right: Marmalade, Rico and Rosie
Marmalade was abandoned in a busy town. Being partially sighted, this was very serious for him and he was in danger of being hit by a car and killed. He was taken in by a local vets and many attempts were made to find his owner. However, he has no microchip and no one came forward to claim him. Willows was asked to provide him the life-long home he so desperately needed. Being almost blind, feral and rather grumpy it was unlikely that he would ever find a suitable home and no other charity would help him. We of course agreed to take him and he’s settled in very well at Willows!
Rico came to Willows as his owner was terminally ill with cancer and the remaining partner wouldn't be able to take Rico to live in the town with him. This is because Rico was a feral cat that had turned up on their doorstep in their countryside home and he would not have coped with moving to a town. They loved him very much and it was a very hard decision for them to have to give him up. When they contacted us, we were so glad that we could help and that in a small way alleviate some of the terrible stress they were going through. He was very worried to begin with but has settled in well. He isn't brave enough to approach strangers but once you've earned his trust he is very loving!
Rosie is a feral cat and came to Willows after we received a very nasty call phone from a person telling us that she was having her destroyed unless we came and collected her instantly as she had caught her in a trap and she was on her way to work! We had no prior knowledge of any of this and It was very difficult negotiating for Rosie's life as the person wanted her gone instantly (we were over an hour's drive away, so with the best will in the world, it wasn't possible!) fortunately though, after being verbally abused and hung up on, a compromise was reached and we managed to get Rosie dropped off at our vets who had kindly agreed to take her with virtually no notice! She was now safe and our vets set about evaluating her and managed to neuter her. Poor Rosie is completely feral and was absolutely terrified by all that was happening. She now lives happily at Willows and although she is nervous, she is happy to be in the vicinity of people!
Postal Address: Willows Animal Sanctuary,
Lambhill Farm, New Pitsligo, Fraserburgh, Aberdeenshire AB43 6NY