Podgy Pets Turned Fit?

It’s been two months since we met five of the participants in the PDSA Pet Fit Club challenge. So how are they getting on?
By the time the PDSA pet slimmer of the year is announced in December, a team of podgy pooches, chunky cats, a roly-poly rabbit and even a rotund rat will have had six months to shed their excess weight. At the start of their challenge, the 17 contestants had a whopping 32 stone to lose between them. The pets are attending regular weigh-in sessions to chart their progress. The Lady is following the journey of five of the contestants – Pippa the tabby, Bob the beagle, Rolo the pug, Jemma the dachshund/Jack Russell cross, and Duke the Labrador – so let’s see how they’re doing now. We’ll bring you an update when the winner is announced.

Bob (pictured above)

Start weight 4st (25.3kg)
Needs to lose 1st 1lb (6.7kg)
Current weight 3st 6lb (22kg)

Bob’s fitness has improved so much, he can run and play now. He’s lost eight pounds but the remainder is proving harder to shift. His owner Kate has to watch him carefully on walks as he makes a beeline for discarded food cartons.

‘A couple of weeks ago he found an open packet of Wotsits,’ she says. ‘He ran probably a quarter of a mile with me chasing him. He knows he’s going to get it taken away from him so he runs off with stuff now! When we first had him he was so overweight that he was totally depressed, but he seems much happier.’


Start weight 2st 1lb (13.3kg)
Needs to lose 9lb (4.3kg)
Current weight 1st 12lb (11.9kg)
fat-pets-590-5From left: Rolo before and after

Rolo is making steady progress and has lost four inches from around his middle. His fitness and breathing are also improving, and he’s now able to run for short distances.

‘It’s going really well,’ his owner Lydia says. ‘He was like an old man before because he was waddling and tired, but it’s like I’ve got a different dog now.’

Is Rolo missing his food?

‘It’s hard to say,’ Lydia admits. ‘After me, food is his number one priority. He spends all day following me around in the kitchen, hoping a crumb will drop to the floor. But he’s always been like that, so it’s hard for me to judge.


Start weight 1st 1lb (6.9kg)
Needs to lose 5lb (2.4kg)
Current weight 1st (6.4kg)
fat-pets-590-4Pippa is losing weight gradually, which is advised for cats.

Pippa is losing weight at a gradual pace, which is advised for cats. She’s shed a pound so far and is noticeably trimmer around the middle.

‘I’m being strict with her and I can see she’s lost weight,’ her owner Audrey says. ‘I’ve got another cat as well and he gets fed cat food plus biscuits, while Pippa just has special biscuits for obese cats. But she doesn’t bother trying to steal the other cat’s food – it’s as if she knows she’s got to lose the weight.

There is something Pippa is missing though. ‘She doesn’t like the fact she doesn’t get as much fish now,’ Audrey explains. ‘The pair of them absolutely love fish. I put it in the microwave and time it for five minutes, then I’ll go into the lounge and read my paper. When the microwave goes ding, they’ll come running in to tell me. People reckon cats don’t have many brains, but they do,’ she laughs. So, will Pippa reach her goal? ‘I think she will,’ Audrey says.

'The vet was quite hopeful.'


Start weight 1st 12lb (11.6kg)
Needs to lose 12lb (5.1kg)
Current weight 1st 10lb (10.9kg)
fat-pets-590-2Her food allowance has been reduced again to help her continue sheedding the pounds.

Little Jemma’s progress has been slow but steady. Her food allowance has been reduced again to help her continue shedding the pounds. ‘She’s doing really well,’ her owner Cara tells me. ‘You can actually see the definition of her body coming back now.

‘We’re reducing her food levels each month. She’s still snuffling around for food, bless her, and I have caught her trying to take food out of my children’s hands. But apart from that she’s doing well.’

It seems timing is everything where walkies are concerned. ‘I have to take her for her walk before she’s fed,’ Cara explains. ‘She won’t go anywhere after she’s eaten, she’ll just flop in front of the fire. But she has got a lot more active. Even getting up and down the stairs she’s a lot better. She’s also running around the garden a lot more and playing with her ball. I can’t see any reason why she won’t be able to lose the weight.’


Start weight 9st 6lb (60kg)
Needs to lose 5st 1lb (32.5kg)
Current weight 8st 11lb (56.1kg)
fat-pets-590-3Duke was a very big boy at the beginning of PDSA's Pet Fit Club.

Duke was a very big boy at the beginning of PDSA’s Pet Fit Club, so had a long way to go to reach his goal. So far, he has lost nine pounds in weight and two-and-a-half inches from around his middle.

For Duke, less food in his life is having an effect on his mood as well as his waistline. ‘He’s okay,’ says owner Clint. ‘He looks sad all the time, but we’re getting there. When we’re eating, he’ll come up and give us that sad face. It’s like Oliver asking, “Can I have some more?”’

Clint’s parents find it difficult to see Duke looking so downcast. ‘I don’t know if they are giving him extra on the side,’ Clint says. ‘My dad loves the dog more than us probably. I’m not joking. I told Dad don’t feed him, don’t feed him, and then I see him chewing.’

Despite this, Duke is making progress. ‘He was weighed and he’s lost again – not a lot, but he has lost. We’re on the right path.’