…is a cookery writer, television cook and domestic goddess. She started her career as a book reviewer and restaurant critic, but is now best known for her television series and cookbooks.
What are you working on at the moment?
I’m working with Typhoo. I was in the States and I was unpacking my essentials – I had Typhoo tea bags, salt, English mustard. I took a picture of it and I tweeted it, saying, ‘Essential ingredients for surviving a month in LA .’ I guess Typhoo must have seen it.

When are you at your happiest?
Lying down (because I’m a lazy person), mug of tea, fire on and a good book – that is perfect. CS Lewis said, ‘You can never get a cup of tea big enough or a book long enough to suit me,’ and I’m with him.

What is your greatest fear?
That I’ll find myself out somewhere, I won’t have my tea bags, I won’t have my English mustard and I won’t have my salt. And I will be at the mercy of other people. I think all my fears are about somehow not being fed or watered.

What is your earliest memory?
Pouring a jug of milk over my sister Thomasina.

What do you most dislike about yourself?
My inability to turn off. Who has been your greatest influence? My mother. I cook very much in the same way, although I cook different things. I’ve been influenced in ways that I’m like her, and I’ve also been influenced in ways in which I want to be different.

What is your most treasured possession?
A Parmesan grater. Someone who has been a very big influence in my life, an Italian food writer called Anna Del Conte, gave it to me. It looks like a doorknob that has had a grater put on it. I use it on my programmes and people always say to me, ‘Where did you get it?’ It means a lot to me that I have this thing, I hold it in my hand and it comes from her.

What trait do you most deplore in others?

What do you dislike about your appearance?
There are always things we hate about our appearance. I suppose I’m well and I’m healthy, so one shouldn’t moan.

What is your favourite book?
David Copperfield.

What is your favourite film?
The Sound Of Music.

first-imp-590-2Nigella has a taste for: Dickens, The Sound Of Music, roast chicken, fennel and lemon salad, a cup of tea, and English Mustard

And your favourite piece of music?

I rather love Dear Lord And Father Of Mankind. When I was at primary school it made me feel alive to the wonderfulness of language.

What is your favourite meal?
Roast chicken, fennel and lemon salad, and roast sweet potato and cauliflower.

Who would you most like to come to dinner?
I just want my family. I don’t want people I don’t know coming to dinner; it wouldn’t be relaxing.

What is the nastiest thing someone has said to you?
I don’t have a memory for nasty things.

Do you believe in aliens?
I don’t. Do you?

What is your secret vice?
Staying in my pyjamas. If I’m not working, and especially because I work at home, I don’t really see the point in getting dressed. No.

Do you write thank-you notes?
I do, but I’ve got a terrible confession to make... I so often find that I’ve forgotten to post them.

Which phrase do you most overuse?
I say ‘Do you know what I mean?’ too much.

What would improve the quality of your life?
More sleep!

Tell us one thing people might not know about you.
I’m tone-deaf. I used to have to mime to Happy Birthday when my children were little.

What would you like your epitaph to read?
Never knowingly under-catered.

Nigella Lawson has teamed up with Typhoo tea and stars in the new ‘#TyphooMoments’ TV advert celebrating great tea moments.