Monies are held securely in the Plan with Grace Funeral Payment Trust We understand what it’s like to lose someone | We Are Here To Help Funeral Plans are not appropriate for everyone, so speak to one of our experts today and we can help you navigate all your options. Please note we are unable to offer you any advice on financial products.

We believe that when you’re planning your funeral, you want to deal with local people. You want to be sure that your funeral will be conducted with a personal touch, to your precise instructions.
Funeral plans for everyone
Select from our range of plans
Our plans start from £1440
- Direct Cremation plan - Direct Cremation- £1,440 - Simple, no frills cremation
- Rose plan Rose £1,999 - Attended cremation for small gatherings
- Daisy plan Daisy £2,890 - Cremation and service at an affordable price
- Jasmine plan Jasmine £3,675 - A traditional cremation service that include the procession from home
- You are purchasing a funeral plan from a regulated provider
- No health or medical checks
- You can pay for your plan in one payment or monthly
- You can change your funeral plan at anytime should your requirements change.
Terms and Conditions Apply

Lines are open 24 hours a day so we can always provide you immediate assistance. However, for general enquiries we recommend you contact us Monday to Friday between 9am and 6.30pm.
Call 0800 471 4689
For more info visit planwithgrace.co.uk
Authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority, reference number: 961832