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When are you at your happiest?
At the moment I am very happy and feel very lucky with my work and my family.
What is your greatest fear?
The loss of one of my children, but I feel that is the same for every parent. Aside from that, pain – mental or physical – which would prevent me from enjoying my life.
Your earliest memory?
Being held up by my mother under the net curtains to wave goodbye to my dad who must have been going to work.
What do you most dislike about yourself?
I wish I didn’t care so much about the house being tidy.
Who has been your greatest influence?
My mother, who had a very strong work ethic, was extremely house-proud and very brave. The second influence is, at the risk of sounding silly, my partner Ben, who’s ‘give it a try’, ‘can do’, ‘all comers welcome’ attitude is inspirational.
What is your most treasured possession?
Beyond the obvious (my children, the dog, etc), I am quite attached to my jewellery – pieces that have been gifted to me by my parents and by Ben. It’s something about the way you wear a treasured piece of jewellery each day. If you look back to some of the most ancient cultures, we’ve always had a fascination with sparkling trinkets.
What trait do you most deplore in others?
Many of us, myself included, are too quick to judge the choices that other people make.
What do you most dislike about your appearance?
It’s tempting to say ‘how long have you got?’ But if I could, I’d have smaller feet.
What is your favourite book?
The book I was saddest about when it came to an end was Vikram Seth’s A Suitable Boy. It was like The Archers but set in India. And if The Archers came to an end I would be very sad, too.
And your favourite film?
Four Weddings And A Funeral. I am a massive Richard Curtis fan.

Your favourite piece of music?
It’s between two tracks: Blur’s To The End from the Parklife album. The other is Don McLean, And I Love You So.
What is your favourite meal?
One of these: on the beach in Devon with family and friends, our barbecue of sausages, steak, halloumi, a homemade margarita in hand and the children cooking marshmallows. Or midweek when Ben and I suddenly decide to go out to dinner in Notting Hill. Or dinner on a Saturday with friends, sitting at the table, talking and debating about politics and economics long into the night.
What is the nastiest thing anyone has ever said to you?
Some of the comments made during the debates on birth politics have been some of the most hurtful.
What is your secret vice?
Is cocktail-making considered to be a vice?
Do you write thank-you notes?
In my professional life, yes. Personally, almost never.
Which phrase do you most overuse?
I say ‘ready?’ a lot when I am filming.
What single thing would improve the quality of your life?
A helicopter.
Can you tell us one thing people might not know about you?
I have big feet.
What would you like your epitaph to read?
I’ll leave that up to my children.
Kirstie Allsopp has partnered with, the global rental website for family holidays in homes, apartments and villas.