Kate Humble - Back To The Land

Kate Humble meets the countrepreneurs
How many of us have dreamt of a life in the country? And how many of us have put that dream into action? More and more of us, we learn in Kate Humble - Back To TheBen-Felsenburg-colour-176 Land (Tuesday, BBC2, 8pm), as she recounts how each year 100,000 Britons flee the big smoke for the peace of a rural existence. But the catch is finding a sustainable existence, as our nation’s financially beleaguered farmers will tell you. In this three-part series, Humble seeks out the innovative entrepreneurs who are bringing the timeless beauty of the countryside back to life with some very 21st-century ideas that are proving to be a surprising success. She begins in Pembrokeshire, where dairy farmers are falling by the wayside with alarming speed, but where one enterprising operator has begun rearing the Japanese Wagyu cattle that are so valued for their delicious marbled beef.

Meanwhile, co-presenter and restaurateur Geetie Singh-Watson (founder of the country’s first organic pub, The Duke of Cambridge in Islington, London) discovers the on-trend chocolate being created by a charming 23-year-old called Liam, who is carving out a confectionery empire from his base in a disused cowshed, using local milk with cocoa beans from Madagascar.

With episodes in Devon and the Lake District to come, Humble and Singh-Watson are our guides for a reassuring reminder of the way in which change and tradition can happily go hand in hand on this sceptred isle.



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