…is an English singer and theatre actress. Her album releases include the platinum-selling So Good, and has also presented and appeared in a number of television shows. She lives in London with her partner, daughter and dog.
What are you working on at the moment?
I’m doing a play called Love Me Tender, based on the life of Elvis Presley. It’s a long time since I’ve done a musical and I decided to do it because the script was so good.

What is your greatest fear?
Peanuts – I’m allergic. If I have one I’ll end up in hospital. I get anaphylactic shock.

What is your earliest memory?
My auntie, who was Spanish. I remember her telling me to pick up some money I dropped on the floor and I wouldn’t pick it up. I actually remember her pushing my hand down to pick it up and I wouldn’t. I remember her saying, ‘My God, this girl is stubborn’.

What do you most dislike about yourself?
I always panic. I panic too quickly about stuff and most of the time I can pretty much do everything when I just get the panic out of the way.

Who has been your greatest influence?
Barbra Streisand and Marvin Gaye; musically those two are my top musicians. When I was a child growing up, I was obsessed with the two of them.

What is your most treasured possession?
There isn’t really anything. I’m not a hoarder. I’m a person who actually doesn’t like stuff – everything can be replaced.

What trait do you most deplore in others?

What do you most dislike about your appearance?
There isn’t anything I dislike. I’m just quite happy with what God gave me.

What is your favourite book?
A book that I thought was really life changing is by Gurdjieff. He’s a philosopher and it’s called Meetings With Remarkable Men. He’s amazing and I’ve pretty much read most of his books.

What is your favourite film?
The Notebook. I love that film. I was a disaster case watching it… I just couldn’t stop sobbing.

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And your favourite piece of music?

Come Live With Me Angel by Marvin Gaye is one of my  favourite records. I love him, he’s so brilliant.

What is your favourite meal?
It would have to be sea bass with cavolo nero greens. It’s this Italian dark cabbage, and it’s really, really nice. That’s my favourite dish.

Who would you most like to come to dinner?
Gurdjieff, Marvin Gaye, Malcolm X and Barbra Streisand. That would be a really interesting table, wouldn’t it?

What is the nastiest thing someone has ever said to you?
It was a racist comment. I was driving and this guy was not nice to me. He called me a black b*t*h. I was in Mayfair. But I’m actually quite lucky because I haven’t had a lot of stuff like that happen to me. It’s very rare.

Do you believe in aliens?

What is your secret vice?
I love being on my own, contrary to what people perceive me to be – someone who’s gregarious and loud and fun and that stuff. There is that side to me as well, but I love being on my own. When you’re quite a big character people presume that’s not the case, so I suppose it’s a bit of a secret, but it’s true.

Do you write thank-you notes?
No, I usually email.

Which phrase do you most overuse?
‘Do you know what I mean?’

What single thing would improve the quality of your life?
More holiday time.

Tell us something we don’t know about you.
Although I might not look tall, I’m actually 5ft 10in.

What would you like your epitaph to read?
‘She did her best’.

Mica Paris stars in Love Me Tender, currently on a UK tour: