…is a Welsh actor. He studied at Rada and went on to an acclaimed stage career. He had a number of television and film roles, with his breakthrough screen performance coming in 1985 in Terry Gilliam’s Brazil. He has won two Tony Awards, for his role
What are you working on at the moment?
The Merchant Of Venice for a world tour.

When are you at your happiest?
When I’m in a warm bath.

What is your greatest fear?
That the water is going to go cold.

What is your earliest memory?
My Auntie Mair’s wedding when I was three. I was a guest.

What do you most dislike about yourself?
Goodness, I don’t want to go there.

Who has been your greatest influence?
My partner, Kate Fahy.

What is your most treasured possession?
Kate Fahy.

What trait do you most deplore in others?

What do you most dislike about your appearance?
Now? It would be my hair – or lack of it.

What is your favourite book?
Love In The Time Of Cholera, by Gabriel García Márquez. It is such a great love story.

What is your favourite film?
There are so many and at the same time so few, but I think It’s A Wonderful Life; it speaks for itself, really.

first-imp-590-2Jonathan's priceless treasures: Love In The Time Of Cholera, a plate of fish and chips, folk band Beirut and It's a Wonderful Life

What is your favourite piece of music?
A Sunday Smile by Beirut. Again, as to why speaks for itself.

What is your favourite meal?
My favourite meal would be fish and chips – or anything at my son’s restaurant.

Who would you most like to come to dinner?
Gene Wilder, John Snow (the real one), William Shakespeare and Harold Pinter.

What is the nastiest thing anyone has ever said to you?
‘He’s not even goodlooking.’ It was a long time ago.

Do you believe in aliens?
Yes, and they are all welcome to come to my country.

What is your secret vice?
I don’t have one. I really don’t have one – nothing secret, anyway.

Do you write thank-you notes?
Does anybody?

What phrase do you most overuse?
‘I don’t know’.

What single thing would improve the quality of your life?
Knowing more.

Tell us one thing people might not know about you.
I’m a concert-grade pianist.

What would you like your epitaph to read?
‘Do not resuscitate’.

Miss Saigon: The 25th Anniversary Performance will be in cinemas for one night only on Sunday 16 October. See for locations and tickets.