
William's gift to Alzheimer's Research UK

Dementia is now the leading cause of death in the UK. So many of us know someone affected or have lost a loved one to this cruel condition. But as William shares, there is always hope. 

Dementia is one of the greatest medical challenges of our time. Around 850,000 people in the UK are living with dementia today, a number set to rise to two million by 2050. 

Symptoms of dementia usually include a gradual loss of memory and communication skills, and a decline in the ability to think and reason clearly. Sadly, the condition ultimately takes everything away from someone, until they need round-the-clock care. 

Alzheimer’s Research UK’s singular focus on research allows us to make the greatest difference to people affected by dementia now and in the future.

William’s story 

In January 2019 William’s wife, Hazel, passed away at the age of 71, after living with Alzheimer’s disease for several years. They met at a birthday party for William, where she was his best friend’s date. The couple spent 52 years together, and “would have liked to have had many more years.”

Hazel was a devoted grandmother who always had a smile for her grandchildren. “She always felt that same warmth for them and wanted to see some of her grandchildren get married”, says William. Sadly, Hazel passed away before this could happen.  

As Hazel deteriorated, it was heartbreaking for William and the rest of the family. 

“In my opinion more research is needed in this field. My wife would approve of my decision to leave a gift in my Will to Alzheimer’s Research UK, so that other people with this condition may be able to live a better life in future. 

“There’s a lot of research going into heart disease and cancers, which are finding results. But now they need to find breakthroughs for dementia too. By leaving a gift in my Will to Alzheimer’s Research UK I feel I am helping to make more research possible”.

With the generous support of people like William we can make breakthroughs in dementia research and ensure that more mothers and grandmothers like Hazel live to see their grandchildren’s weddings.

Why are gifts in Wills so important to us?

One in three of our life-changing research projects are made possible by gifts in Wills. William’s gift to Alzheimer’s Research UK offers hope to our children, grandchildren and future generations of a world free from the heartbreak of dementia. Whatever the size, they are an incredible gift to the future. 

To find out more about making or updating a Will, as well as leaving a gift to charity, you can download our free guide by visiting our website.

Alternatively, you can request a copy to be sent in the post by contacting our Gifts in Wills team on or by calling 01223 896 606.

Registered charity numbers 1077089 and SC042474