The Trikwan tweak

Trikwan Aesthetics are known as the go to haven for natural looking, yet transformative facial and skin care wizardry. The couple are firmly placed in the little black book of celebrities hunting for that 'subtle Trikwan tweak' after the husband and wife team made it their mission to master the "has she, hasn't she" approach to injectables and transformative skin care.

The dynamic duo have been profiled by Vogue, Allure Magazine, Vanity Fair, Tatler and The Daily Mail for being the "best in the industry" and for their rejuvenating treatments, as well as credited by The Daily Mail as starting a new ‘craze’ for natural look aesthetic procedures. 

Trikwan are happy to impart their impressive knowledge and know-how via the social platforms of Youtube, and Instagram – where the couple have almost 50k followers. The couple have founded the Academic Aesthetics Mastermind Group, ‘aiming to advance the field of Aesthetic Medicine through education, research and working together with other experts in the industry to ensure and improve excellence, safety and academia within this industry.’ The doctors are serious about progressing the dialogue of knowledge and understanding between professionals and patients. “We want to create an open space, free of any negativity to allow growth, education and unity in the industry to ensure patient outcomes are maximised."

THE TRIKWAN TWEAK – non-surgical aesthetic procedures that really work

At 45 I felt that nothing could get rid of the deep dark hollow smudges under my eyes and put it down to years being a stressed-out working mum of two, combined with probably not having enough water or sleep. So, I was thrilled to be invited to try out the undereye procedure with Trikwan Aesthetics. Having never taken up any kind of non-surgical or surgical treatments, I was naturally nervous but excited. However, vouched for by the world’s leading magazines as the ‘best in the industry’, the founders of Clinic Trikwan Aesthetics, Dr Sanjay Trikha and Dr Zoya Diwan, immediately rid me of anxiety and to my delight and mild apprehension advised I have a staged three step plan, involving the most subtle of carefully placed fillers and a tiny bit of baby botox which would rid me of my hollow-eyed tired look, for at least a year.

Step one – the under eyes:

The tear trough is the semi-circle area just underneath the eye. As we age, for many the skin beneath the eyes tends to appear ‘hollow’ or can take on a dark shadow which gives an overall impression of tiredness and ageing. For many, this hollowing or darkness in the tear trough is genetic (many Asian people suffer from under eye darkness) or it can come from general ageing and loss of elastin in the skin, as naturally the collagen breaks down over time (we stop producing this in our late 20s). We are left with a concave dip under the eye, and a blueish tinge which results in a constantly tired look. As a result, the impact on self-confidence can be severe and no amount of the finest concealer can cover up the hollowness, in many cases make-up can make it appear worse.

The doctors described their ethos of enhancing one’s natural beauty and described how the tear trough procedure works. Using the best and only UK licenced hyaluronic acid dermal filler product, Teosyal Redensity 2* is a sterile gel which is injected in the tear trough through a cannular and then carefully manipulated by the doctor's expert hands, to sit comfortably within the trough -  therefore replacing lost volume. Hyaluronic acid attracts over 1000 times it’s own weight in water, and as it is naturally produced and lost as we age, and our bodies need it to hydrate our skin, it’s highly unlikely to cause any allergic reaction and this filler form of it is natually broken down over time, back into the dermis, leaving skin in a better condition overall.

The whole procedure takes no more than ten minutes and is almost painless. Just a tiny pinprick on each cheek when the cannular was put in and my cheeks were a little red where the cannular had entered the skin, but only around the same scale as, say, a small insect bite. The effects were immediately visible – my eyes look lifted, younger, the hollow depressions underneath had all but disappeared. Incredible! Aftercare was simple (and common sense, really) – don’t rub or press the area and don’t take a very hot bath or shower and no make up for 4 hours after.

* Teosyal Redensity 2 is a ‘biodegradable implant that is progressively reabsorbed over time… and creates volume adapting evenly and uniformly to the skin’s natural contours to correct loss of density in areas that are wizened or marked by the signs of ageing on the face and neck (including under eyes.’

Step two / three: cheek fillers & baby botox:

On my return to the clinic a month later, the doctors checked all was well with the undereye fillers giving me a second top up, as well as giving me some lost volume by two small areas of cheek filler on my cheekbones, which instantly lifted my eyes a little and enhanced my complexion. The product used for this was Teosyal RHA 4, which is the same brand used for under-eyes but a slightly different quantity of formula specifically used for replacing lost volume in the cheek contours and delivered via a cannular as before.

Concerns and complications:

As with any procedure involving a skin procedure and product there may be some rare cases of unpredictability. However, these risks are only significant if you choose to go to a clinic or doctor who is untrained in this procedure. In some rare cases there are reports of blindness, but this only happens if the procedure is carried out by untrained people and with a needle – which could hit a blood vessel and lead to complications. The correct method is by using a cannular which has a rounded end and therefore won’t damage or hit any vessels, if it does it simply moves around them.

In the UK there are no restrictions or proper monitoring for those commercial businesses who carry out filler procedures. You should never go to a beauty salon to have this done – all filler procedures should be carried out by a licensed, accredited professional doctor who know exactly how to do it.


I got exactly the result I wanted – rejuvenation, and the point is it was for me, no one else. It’s amazing how much these subtle ‘tweaks’ have altered how I feel about myself. Where previously I had felt drained all the time, and looking in the mirror was becoming a chore rather than a joy, I am now a little bit fascinated by how improved I look – and yet it’s not noticeable enough for my friends and family to remark on, other than saying I look, well, less tired. I’ve gone from feeling depressed about my increasing years and hollowing face, to feeling younger, revitalised and refreshed. My skin is plumped where I’d like it to be – my cheeks are fuller and my eyes brighter. Furthermore, because the hyaluronic acid dissolves naturally back into your skin, it gives beneficial results longterm and immediate results last up to a year or more. So if you (as I plan to) put away only £20 a week you can do all this for yourself each year – a small price to pay for feeling good! See you this time next year, Trikwan!

Visit Trikwan Aesthetics or call 07305058349 to book an appointment.